5 July 2015

Workshop # 1

Workshops are an excellent and interactive way to learn new creative techniques, explore the craft world and meet people from this business. Therefore I have to absorb as much information as I can to help me with my creations. I'll be posting pictures from the workshops I'll be doing. 

So the pictures above are from my first workshop - Jewellery Workshop with "I am acrylic" - http://www.iamacrylic.co.uk/iamacrylic.htm
I did my homework before attending the workshop to maximise my time thus I decided to draw two swallows and a love letter! I was very happy with the result and so were the teachers and the colleagues from the workshop. 
"I am acrylic" posted on the 30th of June all the necklaces made on the workshop. Have a look here: https://iamacrylic.wordpress.com/2015/06/30/jewelleryworkshops/ 

Workshops são uma forma excelente e interativa para aprender novas técnicas criativas, explorar o mundo do artesanato e conhecer pessoas desta área. Portanto eu tenho que absorver o máximo de informação possível para me ajudar nas minha criações. Eu vou-vos mostrando fotos dos meus workshops.

Então as fotos acima são do meu primeiro workshop - Jewellery Workshop with "I am acrylic" - http://www.iamacrylic.co.uk/iamacrylic.htm
Eu fiz o meu trabalho de casa antes de participar no workshop para maximizar o meu tempo então decidi desenhar duas andorinhas e uma carta de amor! Fiquei muito contente com o resultado, como também os professores e os colegas do workshop.
O "I am acrylic" fez um post no dia 30 de Junho com todos os colares do workshop. Vê aqui: https://iamacrylic.wordpress.com/2015/06/30/jewelleryworkshops/

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